The 50 Beast Show was a Resounding Success!
Of the 50 Beasts, only 2 remain who are looking for a new home!
The Beasts who live with me (not surprisingly) have persuaded several of the 50 to come stay with us.
The New Arrivals are settling in nicely. I'll introduce you to them all in due course.
One guy who made his presence felt immediately is:
WinsTon, the Achiever Dude.
(He chose the name WinsTon because he says he always WINS! Tons!!!) |
He has already made quite a splash in the neighborhood!
One day, while he was out and about, his Creator, the Goddess Jennifer Russell, happened to see him...
And do you know? She did not recognize him! She merely thought to Herself, "That's a very fine Beast!"
(Which of course he is.) |
...and needed some distance... really SEE:
She finally SAW him. And THEN she recognized him. And saw that...yes, he IS!I tell you this story because I think we all need to do that. We get so close to what we work on that we cannot truly see it. So we cannot evaluate it. Let alone judge it. (Which we should never do.)
We need to learn to let it go. It is only when we can release our work, and forget it began as part of us, that we can really SEE it.
We can learn from this Goddess: Set our work free, then look at it afresh without attachment.
SEE it.
WINston the Achiever Dude takes full credit for this message.
Hi WINSton!! You rock! Thanks for the inspiration! Looking forward to more of your wise messages.